SAS DC-6 Ashtray

SAS DC-6 ashtray

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Ashtrays featuring small models were a mainstay during the 1950s and 1960s, and here is a wonderful example from the W. Osgaard & Co. portfolio with the number 661-2. The idea of having the aircraft ‘flying through the skies’ of tobacco smoke is actually quite good, and it must have sparked the imagination of those yet to experience their first flight.

Scandinavian Airlines System or SAS was to become one of the major customers at W. Osgaard and later Fermo, and this is probably one of the earliest and rarest SAS-models from this company. Note that the writing and cheatlines seem a bit sketchy – they’re probably done freehand, so this may be a prototype.

DC-6 Tabletop Lighter

DC-6 Lighter Model

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DC-6 Lighter Model

From a time when smoking was allowed on airplanes (and probably everywhere else…), what could be more cool than this Tabletop Lighter model of a DC-6? This magnificent image from the W. Osgaard & Co. sales folder and the number 4693 suggest that this was an actual model produced and sold, but during 15 plus years of research, we are still to see one in the flesh. No doubt about the coolness factor though!